It's All About Connection! NVC With Dr. B!

152-Whose Needs are Your Responsible For?

Episode Summary

It can be a bit hard to take in the idea that we are not responsible for anyone's needs but our own, especially in long-term relationships like between spouses. However, in this episode, Dr. B and Heather explore this idea. One of the key take-aways is the idea that people are basically "strategies" that we use to help meet our needs. But, with the understanding that needs are universal and strategies are individualized ways of meeting our needs - we can begin to explore the idea of many different ways of getting needs met and, in so doing, loosen our grip on certain strategies or people. This can have the strange impact of allowing greater connection in a relationship because everyone is operating with choice instead of obligation or fear. These are just some of the themes discussed in Episode 152.

Episode Notes

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